the Windows installer has now a web page on OCamlForge:

Unfortunately, I cannot actually upload my repository due to some SSH access issues.
When this get solved, also the sources will be placed there.

The news:
 1) It is ow possible to enter:
    a) the list of cygwin packages to install,
    b) the list of GODI packages to install,
c) the OCaml version, the architecture (w64 or pc), the GNU compiler to use (minge/cygwin),
    d) the skylift version to use.
  2) It is possible to generate the installer from Linux and Windows

To download it: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/?group_id=306

I will now stall my activity on this installer, since that I do no see what I should implement more on it. Of course, I will fixes bugs. @Gerd: would it is possible that you integrate this installer on the GODI homepage? Principially the only thing you need to do is to adapt some default values (mainly the skylift version), and lauch the generation script. I guess that you can easily integrate it into your GODI bootstrap generation env.


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