I had a look on your test suite script and I must confess that the environment is not so easy for me to setup.
What I actually have:
 1) I'm able to install automatically a set of cygwin packages,
 2) Install the GODI bootstrap on it,
 3) Install additional GODI packages,
 4) start a bash script which could start your automatic tests.

Would this be enough for you to execute your automatic tests on Windows, and so integrate the results in your database?

BTW: in autobuild2
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
     platform="Debian $(cat /etc/debian_version) $(uname -m)"

This work only on debian, so maybe you should rewrite it as follow:
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
     platform="Debian $(cat /etc/debian_version) $(uname -m)"
     platform="$(uname -a)"


Le 5/31/2012 3:06 PM, Gerd Stolpmann a écrit :
Am Donnerstag, den 31.05.2012, 14:20 +0200 schrieb Sébastien Fricker:
On Thursday 31 May 2012 14:05:12 Gerd Stolpmann wrote:

Sure, if I find time... The best thing would be if I got patches that
are ready to be applied. The time-consuming part is to test everything
(I currently don't even have a recent Cygwin installation at hand).
I have started to write a "test suite" which install GODI on Cygwin.
But I have exactly the same issue with FlexDLL.
As soon as I'm able to have completely atomized this step I will send you it 
the scripts.

BTW: Can you share the suite which generates:
May be I can then execute on Cygwin.

The autobuild db resides (for now) in Mysql, use godi_autobuild.sql for
creating it.

Use jobs/autobuild2 for building packages (I guess you can remove the
call to sqlite3, this is just for skipping packages that are known not
to work). The script assumes certain paths:

~/autobuild/${GODI_SECTION}/: is the prefix for GODI

~/autobuild/${GODI_SECTION}-empty.tar.gz: is a tared-up "empty" GODI,
i.e. the state after bootstrapping, and removing everything except

~/autobuild/${GODI_SECTION}.conf is the godi.conf to use.

~/autobuild/${GODI_SECTION}.out is the log file

xfvb-run starts a virtual X server, because some packages can only be
built when X is there. I guess you can remove this for win32.

The other scripts in jobs/ are for driving the digester of the search
engine. Ignore them.


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