> There is absolutely nothing in the JDO ***API*** that is irrelevant to
> GAE/J and BigTable.

I disagree, and that's the main reason why we developed our own
framework. These are just some random thoughts about this subject:

* Transactions in JDO is a global thing tied to the persistence store
(one database = one transaction), but for GAE it's one transaction per
entity group. It's perfectly reasonable to execute two transactions at
the same time, which is hard to fit into the traditional development
model with spring.
* The current way of generating a primary key with a parent is not
natural IMHO. My key attribute already has a parent, why should I add
_another_ attribute with the parent PK?
* Entity retrieval can be done just by providing the primary key, but
JDO and JPA are not prepared for it - you must provide the entity
class as well. This is redundant.
* There are a lot of use cases (structures etc) supported by
datanucleus that can be optimized out. This is important in a system
where I pay per CPU cycle.

The list goes on. The point is that you cannot develop a standard
framework that works fine with a RDBMS and expect it to be the optimal
solution for a storage that is entirely different. For me, there are
enough differences that justify going for a specific solution.

My .02 euro.
P.S.: Please keep in mind that I have absolutely nothing against
datanucleus, which is indeed a nice implementation.
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