> If instead you're talking about GAE/J specifics, as per the link that
> you provided, then that is a different issue ... dependent on Googles
> plugin for DataNucleus. Only they can comment on that.

or as per the doc you linked to
"The App Engine implementation of JDO does not yet implement this
i.e DataNucleus and JDO *does* support that, and the google-provided
plugin doesn't.

FWIW 1. a more accepted way of referring to such relationships is "1-1
unidirectional" (or unowned in Google terminology) and "1-1
bidirectional" (or owned in Google terminology), as they are referred
to in the DN docs
FWIW 2. "unidirectional 1-1 FK relation" is not part of JPA1 spec
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