> With JPA+RDBMS a relationship between two objects (say, "Invoice" and
> "Customer") could be implemented by a "customer" attribute inside the
> "Invoice" class. In the RDBMS, this is translated to a CUSTOMER_ID column in
> the INVOICE table. Datanucleus does not support this (the relationship must
> be owned, that is, the Invoice class must be nested inside the Customer
> instance), otherwise you must do this by hand, managing the Key instance
> yourself (if I understood correctly). What I don't get is the rationale
> behind this.

With DataNucleus (AccessPlatform) you have the full range of JDO and
JPA relations for RDBMS, since it passes the TCKs for both, and would
be impossible to do that if it didn't support something so basic. So
in the situation you describe as "not supported" yes you do get a
CUSTOMER_ID FK in the INVOICE table. This has been supported since the
very first version of JPOX ... back in 2003.

If instead you're talking about GAE/J specifics, as per the link that
you provided, then that is a different issue ... dependent on Googles
plugin for DataNucleus. Only they can comment on that.
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