Okay, so here's a quick status update. There are have been suggestions about
fonts. Font weight. Line spacing. Typeface. Line spacing is interesting,
a big design goal was to make more information available with less scrolling.
However, we've found several references that suggest 1.4 is good in terms
of helping readability. There is probably some personal preference; for
example I personally like Courier better than Monospace. We're going to let
the current design ride for a few months then revisit. The left vs. center
justification of the entire page seems similarly subjective.

One thing that would make a difference - more quickly - is an extremely
authoritative source. For example a paper by Donald Knuth explaining
how and why some other line height is better.

There have been users who like to read in date order who are disappointed
that we dropped some of the navigation buttons. We continue thinking, but
are not sure how to make them happy without increasing confusion for
everyone else.

The visited link color has been changed.

That's all I have for feedback so far. We continue to find and work on
small bugs,
like certain pages not validating, or funny looking navigation buttons
in several
non-English languages. If you find more of these, that is also helpful.

I don't have strong data for how happy people are overall, but guessing from
tone of comments, I think it is overall positive so far.


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