Thanks for the link - and for answering - even on your ipod!
(I'm adding the gregorio mailist to the TO column by the way, so everyone can see)

I actually tried that, but for some reason it breaks the compilation. I'm trying to suppress the custos just on the Israel es line (the bottom one)

(c4)*[em1]* Gl<alt>{\color{red}Chorus:}</alt>ó(h)ri(g)a,(gh) laus(gg) et(f) ho(g)nor(gh) ti(f)bi(e) sit,(d.) (,) Rex(g) Chri(g_)ste(e) Re(g)démp(gg)tor:(f.) (:) Cu(fh)i,(h) pu(h)e(hvGF')rí(g)le(gh) de(fe)cus(d_f) (,) promp(f)sit(fe) Ho(d)sán(dc~)na(ef) pi(d.)um.(d.) (::)(Z)

<c>1.</c> Is(h)ra(g)el(h) es(h!iwj) tu(ji) Rex,(h_g) (,) Da(gh)ví(j)dis(jk) et(j) ín(ji~)cli(h)ta(g) pro(h)les:(h.) (:) Nó(h)mi(h)ne(g) qui(h') in(iwj) Dó(j)mi(ji)ni,(h_g) (,) Rex(gh) be(j)ne(jk)dí(ji)cte,(h) ve(gh)nis.(h.) (::)(Z)(z)

When I do this, I get a compile error:
"error: syntax error
error: unable to find the first letter of the score."

I'm probably using this wrong, however. I'd like to wrap just the last double bars of the second strophe.

On 3/19/2015 12:05 PM, Br. Samuel Springuel wrote:
See my post here:

(Sorry not to be more verbose, but I'm replying from my iPod.)

Br. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)

On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:51 PM, Brother Gabriel-Marie <> wrote:

If I have a score where I have forced the staff to end - the double bars stop 
in the middle of an empty staff - which is what I want.

However, the custos automatically is added at the end of the empty staff, but I 
want it just after the double bars.

I *could* add it manually (after venis, for example) with a (::h+)  but then I 
have two custi!
If I use \greblockcustos in the tex template, it suppresses ALL the custi, 
which I don't want because then I'd have to guess where they all go when the 
lines wrap.

How can I either:
1.  Suppress a single automatic custos?
2. Force the automatic custos to appear after the double bar instead of at the 

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