Dear Father,

> I've managed to install and run gregorio on Fedora. I installed the
> git version, because the stable version available for download
> apparently lacks the fonts...?!?

Github automatically adds "Source Code" in the download area, which are
zip of the code in the repository, which indeed do not contain fonts.
But the file Gregorio-x_y_z-sources.tar.gz should contain them (but
lacks tex/gregoriotex-chars.tex, which will be fixed in next RC). Can
you try with this tarball? A warning will be added in the release
description against those zip files.

> Even so, the fonts aren't coming out right even now. It doesn't seem
> to depend which typeface I use. I am attaching a copy of test.pdf and
> test.log. I don't see any errors reported, so I guess the fonts built
> wrong. Can anyone suggest how to fix them?

You seem to have a valid font installed, it just calls weird glyphs. I
suspect you have an old font in


can you remove it and test again?

> PS: If I may make a suggestion, it would be helpful if the build
> script failed when prerequisites aren't met, such as a lack of flex,
> bison, etc.

I admit I thought it was the case, but I never tried... According to the
doc, it seems the error should be output by the script... I
just learned that, expect it to be added soon.

Thank you very much,

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