Well what you told is working but I am facing a new problem.
I am not able to get Mutiple Roles in my Proxy. It is showing only the last
Role which I have asked.
[arpit]$*myproxy-init --voms trial:/trial/Role=VO-Admin --voms

And the output of *voms-proxy-info -all is:
=== VO trial extension information ===
VO        : trial
subject   : /C=IN/O=C-DAC KP Bangalore/OU=CTSF/OU=
ctsf.cdac.org.in/CN=Shamjith K V
issuer    : /C=IN/O=C-DAC KP Bangalore/OU=CTSF/CN=host/
attribute : /trial/Role=Developer/Capability=NULL
attribute : /trial/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:56:34*

As you can see it is showing only a single Role "Developer" whereas if  I
give "voms-proxy-init" and "myproxy-init" seperatly then I am able to get
multiple roles in MyProxy.

What could be the possible reason??


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Jim Basney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> arpit jain wrote:
> > Thanks a lot.................
> > I have upgraded  MYPROXY-INIT version to 4.3 an it is working
> > fine................
> > The VOMS_USERCONF Env Variable works fine and now I am able to locate
> > vomses file for some non standard location. Now I am able to get VOMS
> > extended credentials without any ROLES.
> Great!
> > Actually my problem is that I dont want user to issue multiple commnads
> > for getting a MyPROXY first and then calling voms-proxy-init for getting
> > VOMS Credentials. So I am intersted with "myproxy-init -vo <vo-name>"
> > command only.
> I'm glad you find this functionality interesting.
> > I want to know how can I specify ROLES with myproxy-init -vo <voname>
> > command?
> Since the myproxy-init --voms option is passed directly to
> voms-proxy-init -voms, I think the following should work:
>  myproxy-init --voms vo-alias:/Role=myrole
> i.e., using the -voms vo-alias[:vo-command] syntax.
> -Jim

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