arpit jain wrote:
> Ohhhhh, so it means rite now there is no way to get multiple roles using
> "myproxy-init" command??

If the only way to specify multiple roles for voms-proxy-init is via
multiple --voms options (I don't know if that's true), then yes, since
myproxy-init doesn't currently support multiple --voms options, it'd be
necessary to run voms-proxy-init before myproxy-init to get multiple
roles in the credential.

> Have you opened this bug just now?


> May I know how long it may take to get resolved and is there any patch
> available for that??

There is no patch. I just opened the bug. I don't know how long it may
take to get resolved. You're welcome to submit a patch. MyProxy is an
Open Source project that depends on community contributions.


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