I started sewing around age 4, well, actually, that is not entirely
true. I was knitting at age 4. Not my idea, it was Mom actually. She
was pregnant with my baby sister and was exasperated with my energy
level one day and handed me her knitting. Not only did I stop
talking and moving, which pleased her to no end, I sat down and
tried to knit. This is her story, she is sticking to it. I do have a
memory of this but in my memory I sat down on a chair and pretended
to do what she was doing. I would not call it knitting. She did
teach me how to do it and I did help her finish my baby sister's

After that she started to tell everyone what I was doing and
Grandmother got into the gig. She started me on sewing together
quilt squares for her when I was over at her place.

Next sewing gig, Kindergarten. The nuns were from France and made us
make our own little white gloves. I finished mine first while the
other struggled to thread the needles. Shakes head. God would they
ever get in trouble today if they handed kindergartners needles.
These are not the gloves that we use with fourchettes and bolton
thumbs. We cut a long strip and went from the outside of the glove,
over the thumb, between the fingers, and terminated it at the pinky.
We basically traced our hands on paper and like a cartoon looking
hand and cut that out of that strange knit fabric you do not see
around anymore. They were stretchy.

That hooked me on to gloves and I still make them today. I am pair
number 3 on my list this week and hope to be done by thursday. I
have to ship one pair off and hand the other two off this weekend to
a couple of really cool buddies.

When I was home with Grandma I had dogs and cats. When I went off to
college I have always had cats. After I got married we had a dog for
a day. He eat a hole in the fence and we gave him back the next day.

I like making elizabethan costumes on occasion, Italians however are
my passion and when I find a really good one specifically from
Sienna I make it. Flemish intreges me and I may try that some day
... when I am caught up on gloves that is. ;)


On Mon, May 22, 2006 4:12 am, Suzi Clarke said:
> In discussion with a couple of friends at the weekend, we fell to
> talking about when we started sewing.
> Oh, and coincidentally to the sewing conversation, we wondered if it
> was a given that costume makers, whether professional, gifted
> amateur, or occasional maker, have cats? All the ones I know do.
> Suzi (about to sew the 5th Mary Queen of Scots costume, and putting
> it off!)
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