On 4/11/2022 1:05 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
I changed the backend to talk to nginx instead of apache.  It still throws a 400 when the POST is done via http/3.  It was an adventure trying to figure out how to allow POST requests in nginx.  The 400 appears to be coming from haproxy.  There is nothing in the logs on apache or nginx for those errors.

Second followup:

I have a more reliable way of reproducing the problem.  Finally found a way to get a version of curl that supports http3.  On a machine with docker and Internet connectivity, run this command:

sudo docker run -it --rm ymuski/curl-http3 curl -v https://raspi2.elyograg.org -X POST -d " " --http3

That curl sends an ALPN of h3-29,h3-28,h3-27 so one of those will need to be enabled on the alpn keyword in the haproxy config.  I have done this for my config at the URL above.

It will reliably show a 400 error.  If the "--http3" is changed to "--http2" the request will work.


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