στις 27/05/2010 13:02, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
To Pete,

[ Sorry to reply here, but I'm readonly user of users-list. ]

Strange and insulting thoughts towards anyone who have
dedicated huge amount (many years) of (maybe even full
time) to take this project where it is now. Maybe
you could elaborate on what you mean by "documentation
friendly code"...

If coding means nothing to you, pls delete all the
Harbour sources and try to use it after...


[I finally managed to discover that my post in users-forum had been replied here. so, here it is my humble yet belated answer]

are you sure you have understood my words? I 'm afraid you don't!
What I am not sure for, is the reason for this misunderstanding. Perhaps, is it due to my bad English or what? And how did you find "insulting" thoughts, there where it doesn't exist? When I am saying documentation is more valuable than coding, in no way mean that "coding is nothing". It just means that without documentation, many parts of code is almost unusable, for many people (users).

We all agree with you that if every individual harbour user would be willing to write some (small) part of documentation, the Harbour manual would perhaps be already here. But life has shown that it is not that simple. Months ago we have had the very same discussion. many people had then declared their interest to contribute, some of them had shown their valuable ideas and had made specific proposals. Unfortunately after a while the interest had faded out, and the only "real" remained/result was an documenting extension into hbide, which supposedly would help to write documentation. I have tried to use it. It didn't work (not in operational meaning of the term). Beyond this, i 've had spent hours digging into sources, trying to format some pieces of documentation. the results were not significant. why? because writing documentation is indeed difficult, actually is more difficult than somebody can imagine and for sure more difficult than coding. that's why, i suppose, for every thousands good coders correspond few -very few or even none- good documenters.
Regarding your definition of idealism, i couldn't put it better.
"thinking, learning, contributing and/or paying" is the only realistic approach. Starting from the later, please don't have any doubt that I (and I believe many other Harbour users) would be more than willing to _pay_ for a manual if anything did exist. Contributing is another crucial story. Nobody's _demanding_ anything from developers. And how one could do that? But asking for documentation should not considered as a demand. Is a very normal and absolutely expected query for any newcomer to Harbour. The "do it yourself" is a pushing away answer. What "insulting" do you find in this paragraph? By "documentation friendly code" i mean two simple and very well known things. a. Short introductory description on top of source code (in place of this long and more or less useless copyright reminding replica )
b. in-line comments.
c. sample program.
[OK, they are three, but any combination of two will perfectly do the job ;)]

P.S.: merging harbour-xhb? (wow! this question could be a real philosophical dilemma). although this is a core-developers decision, you better don't have doubts that the great majority of the users, in case they'd been asked for, would loudly vote "No!"


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