Some thoughts,

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:18 PM, pete_westg <> wrote:

> are you sure you have understood my words? I 'm afraid you don't!
> What I am not sure for, is the reason for this misunderstanding. Perhaps,
> is it due to my bad English or what?

-  Stating that Harbour's lack of documention is "straightly against to the
spirit of open source initiative" can be considered offensive by many.  Who
made you the spokesperson of the Open Source movement?  It could be
interpreted that your statement means their years of work were done

-  Saying that "this is a real problem with wider consequences than you can
imagine" is also a pretty offensive.  Are the Harbour developers incapable
of determining what might happen if there is a lack of documentation in the
near future?  I think they can.  And not only that, but hearing a vague
statement like this is like hearing someone claiming that the world is going
to end in 2012, in ways we can't possibly fathom.  It sounds like you are
saying the Harbour project is doomed unless developers start complying with
your documentation suggestions.

> All that one could ask from them is to be, their coding, more
> documentation friendly, ensuring this way that their valuable and very
> respectable labor and creation won't go in vain..

As Viktor said, others will have to volunteer to do it, if the original
developers don't feel like doing it.  Or maybe they will do it once their
work is relatively finalized?  Then they won't have to change documentation
so much when simple things change, and focus more on development.  The
ChangeLog keeps track of all this pretty nicely anyways.  (Sorry Viktor...
you had to tell me 2 or 3 times about making it a habit to check this file!)

In other (good) news, I am working on compiling a very readable FAQ with
pretty much everything covered that you could want in order to get something
that compiled on Clipper to compile in Win32 for Harbour... as I had to
figure it out all by myself, with the help of a few developers on the -dev
list.  So, this might help as far as teaching users how to do some basic and
intermediate things with Harbour that are very common.
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