The day school attached to our shul has a Little Free Library. I generally
recycle the children's books that are weeded out, or the ones that are
donated. There seems to be a pretty good turnover.
I could ask the school if there have been any problems associated with it,
if you wish.

Maxine Wolfson  -  Rosen Library
Temple Emanu-El

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 1:59 PM Lee Jaffe via Hasafran <> wrote:

> Has anyone experience with a “tiny library” associated with their library
> or host institution?  I’d be interested in hearing how it was implemented
> and whether it enhanced or detracted from your library service, and how.
> Our new synagogue director has proposed installing a tiny library box near
> the building entrance. At first I was positive, seeing it as a venue for
> off-loading unwanted donated books. Plus, I didn’t want to say no in my
> first interaction with the new director.
> But the other volunteers raised a lot of concerns about how it would be
> managed, that it fall on us to review what was put in there, adding to our
> work and potential headaches.
> As I considered the proposal further, I asked myself what was the point,
> whether this was the appropriate venue?   Why would you place a tiny
> library 100 feet from a real lending  library?   The tiny library movement
> was a neighborhood initiative, informal sharing, a literary free box.  In
> that regard, it doesn’t make (as much sense) outside a real lending
> library.
> Or does it?  I want to be open-minded and not rain on the director’s
> proposal out of hand. If there are good reasons to support this initiative,
> ones that augment or complement the library program , or at least not
> detract from it, I’d like to hear about it.  Alternative programs are also
> of interest.
> I appreciate hearing about your experience.
> Lee Jaffe
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