Hi folks,

When poking through the PTN download for the netmats, we're having trouble
finding the netmat for each subject.

As per the S1200 release manual
pp 99-100, it says when we extract one of the flies like
we should get a *_netmat1 directory filled with "One netmat file per
subject, computed using full correlation, Z-transformed", and another
variant in *_netmat2.

Instead, we find that these tar.gz files only have 5 files, in a directory
netmats/3T_HCP820_MSMAll_ICAd*_ts*.  Two of these are netmat{1,2}.txt
files, but these are a single column and have a very strange number of rows
(e.g. for d=50 it has 820 rows).  (There are also Mnet?.pconn.nii files,
but these are tiny).

Where can we find the per-subject netmat files that were in previous


Thomas Nichols, PhD
Professor, Head of Neuroimaging Statistics
Department of Statistics & Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick, Coventry  CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

Web: http://warwick.ac.uk/tenichols
Email: t.e.nich...@warwick.ac.uk
Tel, Stats: +44 24761 51086, WMG: +44 24761 50752
Fx,  +44 24 7652 4532

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