For resampling just the surface (just the coordinates, no functional data),
the command is -surface-resample.  There is also -metric-resample and
-label-resample for single-hemisphere format data files (for functional
data, myelin maps, etc), which are likely to be more useful for creating a
template cifti file.

You can create a template cifti file using -cifti-create-dense-scalar, once
you have the medial wall ROIs and volume resolution/structures worked out
for your desired cifti space.

4k vertices is already very low, and is missing a lot of cortical detail.
If the reason for doing this is a data reduction, you might try using
parcellation instead (-cifti-parcellate), where it ideally groups vertices
by function (the HCP MMP 1.0 has 180 areas per hemisphere), and doing less
mixing of different functions than a simple downsampling.


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 12:44 PM, A Nunes <> wrote:

> HI
> HCP MEG dataset provides surfaces with 4k vertices, I would like to
> resample it to 2k. I have tried wd_command -cifti-resample, but it requires
> a cifti-template, but i don't have any cifti of 2k.
> What commands should I use to get a 2k surface for every subject?
> Thanks
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