I have been having the same soundscape issue on the trade servers I
moderate, mine normally default to an echo type one like I am in a concrete
On Nov 4, 2014 12:37 PM, "The Mighty Gerbil" <
themightyger...@agapegraphics.com> wrote:

> Working on a map I noticed it loading random soundscape files instead of
> it's custom one where it had worked perfectly prior to the Halloween
> update. Loading stock maps koth_nucleus I get no "VRRR" sound but wind and
> on koth_king I get rain and thunder. I got two other people to test on two
> different servers (one I run and another run by another person) and created
> a server on my client, all had this error. Also IDK why but when I
> compiled/loaded my map directly from hammer into TF2 it displayed
> additional console output not seen on the other tests confirming it with...
> Soundscape: Gorge.Inside
> Soundscape: Gorge.Inside
> Soundscape: Gorge.Outside
> Soundscape: Gorge.Outside
> Soundscape: Gorge.Outside
> Soundscape: Egypt.Indoor
> Soundscape: Egypt.Indoor
> Soundscape: Nucleus.Outside
> Soundscape: Nucleus.Outside
> Soundscape: Nucleus.Outside
> Soundscape: viaduct.Inside
> I didn't hear the error on the couple of Halloween maps I loaded, nor did
> I test more maps, but I assume it is effecting more non-Halloween maps. One
> of the other testers did not hear it initially on koth_king while on his
> client but once on his server he did. It may have a random factor.
> On an unrelated note while fixing my custom hud after the Halloween update
> I noticed two entries which seemingly reference the wrong files in the
> first line? The files are under tf/Resource/UI/disguise_menu/
> and say...
> heavy_blue.res "Resource/UI/disguise_menu/heavy_red.res"
> medic_blue.res "Resource/UI/disguise_menu/scout_red.res"
> ...when all the other files refer to their own name. IDK if it matters I
> just thought I'd mention it.
> Finally does anyone know where the 3D display contents of
> tf/Resource/UI/hudplayerclass.res were moved to? I alter the "medic"
> field "angles_y" to "210", to better see what medic gun is equipped, but I
> cannot find it (I recommend Valve make this official but I digress). The
> old files still works but I'd like to update.
> Anyway the soundscape problem seems major unless it's isolated to just us
> few for some weird reason. Can I get anyone else testing or is this a known
> issue? Thanks for any help.
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