At 07:36 AM 8/31/2010, Alon Gubkin wrote:
Okay guys, you convinced me - I will use the kernel without any

Note that I changed *time frequency* to 1000 HZ and disabled *Tickless
System (Dynamic Ticks)*. In the orginal
was 100HZ time frequency and tickless system enabled.

   1. Do I really need to mess with the kernel default configuration for
   stable 1000fps kernel?
   2. Should I use 100HZ and no tickless system instead of 1000HZ and
   tickless system enabled?
   3. What would you suggest to do more? (For example to "enable x",
   "disable y", or "dont do z")

Why do you need stable FPS? There is no evidence at all that stable FPS does anything at all. 100HZ may be better for large servers because HZ on newer kernels is tied to msleep() and using 100HZ may increase throughput slightly as msleep() doesn't use hrtimers, msleep() is used by a large amount of drivers and other things inside the kernel.

The wiki you posted was written by a guy who has no idea how the engine works. He posts speculation without any technical proof (external monitoring) and assumes his results are better because FPS is tied into everything like ping calculation. It's no different than altering sv_fps on Quake/CoD games and watching your ping drop because of rounding errors or fixed math that isn't a multiple or divisible by the default number. I would be very careful on believing everything you read about gameserver stuff, only a handful of people have a clue about it's internals and most others that say otherwise just repeat nonsense that others have said over the years.

G. "Monk" Stanley
<gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org>

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