I remember these big groups using invite bots to invite people in. Some even had a bot that sent an invite once player connected to their server. I also remember competing group in same country as i did, growing slower than mine. Suddenly they had 13 000 more people in due to bot.

I never used bot and never will, having only 2422 users but every single one has made a decision to join in by themselves. Big groups are just full of people that accept invites blindly because they want to belong somewhere. The group numbers are simply useless and not a good comparison how "good" the community is.

So if i were you, i'd stop worrying.


Supreet kirjoitti:

This message is directed at the nut job working at EA who had the biggest
influence on throttling group invites.

Right now, groups like Skial, Lotus, Kill-Streak, Fug and many other groups
are dropping faster than the twin towers.

Why? Because someone decided to complete handicap the group invite limit.

I'm not going to even bother writing anything provided you don't have
common sense or a simple understanding of mathematics principle.

The only thing that is happening to big groups right now is the numbers are
decreasing. The amount of players that are being invited through random
friends compared to the amount of people leaving is so offset that
eventually - in the future, the group will have half its current members.

Steam Community is a beautiful thing and groups are useful is posting
important announcements and putting out events to get servers filled up.
Why are you stunting a community's growth by these methods?

People leaving a group is perfectly normal, but what's also normal is
refreshing an audience. There need to be people LEAVING and JOINING at the
same time. Right now, the ratio is so offset that the groups will ONLY DIE

By the way, you found a solution to spam inviters, but what's the solution
for groups (like I mentioned above) who only invite people who visit their
servers and give them a chance to be part of a community of group.

A proud community owner

Someone from EA.. Oh did I get that mixed up. My bad, didn't see a
difference there. Someone from Valve please comment on this and what do you
suggest as a solution to big groups with dropping numbers every day.
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