okay, here's one for the gurus.

I'd like to be able to preserve user state, which is held in the query string.
So my idea is to return just the urls from a search that match the state
of the user.  Basically, we have a ?lang=en  or ?lang=fr, and since many
of our pages are not translated yet, it's the same page regardless
of the language they ask for..  So any search will return 2 pages, 
( the same page, but the urls that differ in the query string )
one for english, and one for french.  I would like for the search to only
return one or the other, even though both should be indexed.

Something like a bad_querystr attribute would help perhaps, 
but that is only for the indexing, not
for searching, and I also need to set this unknow attribute dynamically.

filtering the search's output with my own parsing could be gross.
There must be a better way.

any ideas?


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