On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 01:44:03 +0100, CM Poncelet <ponce...@bcs.org.uk> wrote:

>If I am wrong, please prove it by submitting verifiable 'general
>purpose' examples of this (excluding 'reblocking' trivia). A 'verifiable
>example' is one in which all the program's DCB attributes are different
>from those of the dataset's physical DCB attributes on DASD - yet
>override the dataset's DCB attributes stored on DASD *both* when the
>dataset is opened and written for OUTPUT and also when it is opened and
>read for INPUT (subject to the appropriate MACRF= etc. being specified
>on the DCB in each case). If you cannot prove it by a 'verifiable
>example', then you are arguing high-falluting semantics where the
>interpretation of "DCB override" depends entirely upon what *you* mean
>by that, and is not subject to what "DCB override" is actually
>understood to mean in practice.
>Chris Poncelet

OK, explain how this JCL works.  I used JCL similar to the following for many 
years to copy VM/CMS files to MVS that were longer than 80 but a multiple of 80 
in length.  In this example, the records are 160 in length.  They are split 
into two 80 byte records, then "joined" into 160 byte records by overriding the 
LRECL of the disk file via JCL.

//COPY    EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                          
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=A                              
//SYSIN    DD  DUMMY                                 
//SYSUT2   DD  DSN=&&amp;TEMP,DISP=(,PASS,DELETE),       
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1600,(10,10),RLSE), 
//             RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=1600        
//SYSUT1   DD  DATA,DLM='++'                         
//SORT    EXEC PGM=SORT                              
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=A                              
//SORTIN   DD  DSN=&&amp;TEMP,DISP=(OLD,DELETE),         
//             RECFM=FB,LRECL=160,BLKSIZE=1600       
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1600,(10,10),RLSE), 
//             RECFM=FB,LRECL=160,BLKSIZE=1600       
//SYSIN    DD  *                                     
  SORT FIELDS=COPY                                   

The key for this to work is that the BLKSIZE has to be a multiple of 80 and 
160.  This will work for any records that are a multiple of 80, (160, 240, 
etc.).  I needed to put the VM/CMS file inline so it had to be a multiple of 80 
bytes to work.  This example clearly shows that the JCL LRECL overrides the 
file setting and no error occurs.   

Dale R. Smith

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