In addition to Bob's update, I was told the same thing offline.  Fixed If 

Roger Bolan

Boulder, Colorado, USA 

P Think before you print 

Robert Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>
06/16/2008 12:24 PM
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IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>


Re: UR1 vs FIN

Roger Bolan wrote:
 > FIN means "fixed in next", but this does not absolutely guarantee 
that there will be a "next release".  That's why you might have heard it 
as "fixed IF next".   It's generally used for certain kinds of changes 
that are only allowed to happen on a release boundary (like a 
significant change in the packaging protocol) or some other kind of 
really significant change that can't be done by just a PTF.

FIN really means "Fixed IF next" for good, legal reasons.  In addition 
to the situations that you describe for FIN use, it opens the door wider 
for customers to report nits that neither the customer nor IBM thinks 
warrant shipping more PTFs in the service streams for current releases. 
  OA25428, for example, let current IPCS developers know that a 
developer 14 years ago made a data entry field on one panel two 
characters too narrow to accept the widest item that can properly be 
entered there.  Hopefully, a lot of these irritants can go away as a 
consequence of similar FIN APARs.

Bob Wright - MVS Service Aids

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