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,--[ On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 02:42:21PM +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| Rohit Kumar wrote:
| > But then /me just widened the scope by thinking about AMD.
| > I have no info on how good (or bad) linux runs on AMD.
| > But have read on forums that AMD is actually far ahead of intel.
| > 
| > Please help me choose a good processor. :-)
| > 
| For most of the people, the choice of the make of processors doesn't
| make any worthwhile difference(no matter how some folks would scream at
| you to believe). Go for any, suitable in your budget. Computers anyway
| have to be upgraded every 2-3 years. At the end of the day, probably the
| make and type of your power supply and cabinet, influences the life of
| your machine more than the processor itself would.
| My advice would be to never buy the latest and greatest(always too
| expensive to be worth it) processor. Settle down on a brand, take a look
| at the 2-3 processors at the midrange, make a call on the
| price/clock/feature balance,buy it and then worry most on getting a good
| cabinet,good power supply and power backup. The money you will save on
| the processor is better put into a good cabinet which can keep your
| processor healthy, as well as a good power supply.
| Most folks(like me till a short while back) have unnecessarily obsessed
| over the processor than the cabinet/power supply. e.g. look at this
| cabinet[1]. Wouldn't you like one like this which will keep your PC
| really cool(3 fans, 2 just to cool the hard disks), keep out the
| dust(with the dust filter, and remain quiet with its soundproof insides?
| You would be able to buy this with just the money you save from *not*
| buying an unnecessarily high end processor, or even a different make of
| processor.

True. I also suggest, get a good SMPS as most of the SMPS which comes
with normal desktop cabinets (costing around INR 1,000-1,200) don't give you
the rated output power and not even continuous output, resulting in HD/CD/DVD 
restarting in between. And also recommended, if you're going to use SATA
disks. Since SATA disks require a separate power connector for powering
SATA disks. These connectors are also of not good quality. So get a good
SMPS like "Cooler Master", or "Amigo" etc. These SMPS cost you more, but
comes with a builtin SATA power connectors, rated output power.

| [1] http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=15136
| - - Sandip

Ashish Shukla
- -- 
Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"
आशीष शुक्ल

weblog: http://wahjava.wordpress.com/

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  `-'(. .)`-'  | They spend millions. They take years. They are defeated in   |
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