On 10/8/07, Saleem Ansari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Vikram
> Very nice info. I have been  thinking for the last couple of days that can
> one survive in the Gaming Business if the Game's source code is Open
> Sourced  or GPLed?

Well firstly it has to be Business done with games rather than Games
making business, GPL run gaming business make perfect sense in Indian
market. the traditional gaming industry needs a lot of market research
and Development and most of times game titles die  after completion
since launching a game title requires same amount of money that is
spent on development.

Now if we take my view , i would have gone with modifying current
available open source games and making it look more indian centric by
putting Indic taunts and pushing them into the market, because Online
gaming market in india is still in a nacent stage.

my 2 pennies....

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Mishra

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