On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 7:26 AM, Swapnil Bhartiya
> I just learnt from a friend of mine that I should stop using Ubuntu as
> Canonical is not contribiting to the developmemt of GNU/Linux systems as
> compared to other players. He also suggested that since most of its stuff,
> or nothing, is upstream so we cant trust it. Also his arguement was, being
> run by one man, who may tomorrow change his mind and stop support to Ubuntu,
> then what?
> So, I am bringing this issue to the lista and have people's opinion as to
> how much Canonical has contributed and how wise is the decision to use
> Ubuntu?

Warning - This is a potential flame war question. :-D

I don't have the time right now to write my own opinion, but here's a
link that might interest you -

And yes, when I saw Greg's talk, I did notice that he never mentioned
having been affiliated with Novell. (ref.
http://boycottnovell.com/2008/09/18/kroah-hartman-ms-vanity/ )


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