> if you believe the nonsense you wrote here Swapnil, you know neither
> Greg nor open source software.

Dear Karan ji, I don't know whether what I wrote up there was nonsense or
senseless. I received an opinion mentioning Matt
so I shared with the list as there are people here who can help make picture
clear, without being _curt_. And If I knew everything, I wouldn't be on the
list trying to discuss out things :-) Being a writer, I always value
suggestion, but I am not used to a particular kind of language.

> What is also true is that most of the software and code efforts at
> Canonical are to build and develop close source software.
> --

I am so very grateful to you that you took time and explained things further
:-) I have always had argument with friends on issues like this so I needed
some expert opinion.

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