Hi Every Body,

Could you dare to challenge if redhat puts its logo and art work at
your property and products and claim trademark ownership rights ? in
the similar way would you object redhat which has put its logo and art
work in RHEL Linux distribution and claimed the trade mark product
ownership in RHEL when redhat is not the owner of RHEL. and GPL is the
owner ..Could you dare to challenge the redhat.Redhat inc is under
attack from open source community .

I know Linux and GPL is bigger than redhat. But it's unfortunate
that redhat is blatantly violating GPL by not permitting any body or
every body to redistribute the RHEL ! GPL permits any body and every
body to put thier Logos and art work inside the GPL as credit for thier
contribution , But does not give or transfer ownership of GPL, to
enforce thier trademarks . Linux gives power to any body or every body
to resell or redistribute and make earning by giving support and
consulting services.It is open for customer to select any vendor for
this purpose and pay any amount for services depending on the brand of
any comany . .Where as GPL permits any body and every body to use copy
modify redistribute (Any body can be distributer and re-distributer)
the any linux disribution and as redhat is not owner of GPL ,therfore
it connot restrict any body or every body to redisribute RHEL a Linux
disribution.Redhat cannot enfoce its trademarks rights in RHEL as
redhat is not the real owner of the GNU Linux .IT is only a contributer
to the

linux and not the owner of the linux.More specific RHEL is an
Linux Distribution as it is known and redhat is only distributor. And
Linux distributor cannot be owner of Linux.

Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? .That’s a question that’s
often asked by many, but generally fails to receive a confident reply
and Linux community is much confused on this issue . It was reportedly
popped up during a discussion at the Delhi-LUG too. What followed were
very interesting opinions from active members of the group. As you
might have read through, the article published in Linux For You
September issue 2008 entitled Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? you
will become aware of various issues and doubts around this question.
Unfortunately, the discussion did not end with a conclusive reply from
Redhat .LFY daringly questioned redhat India spoke person and its
replies left the open community without the correct answer .Linux for
you need to conduct further debate and let the open community debate
this issue openly and find a open solution in open manner without any
damage to redhat as we consider redhat as open source leader worldwide
and even redhat should learn to respect the GPL Whole heartily and stop
the nonsense of showing disrespect to GPL from which it get power to
make RHEL distribution same GPL need to be put in RHEL. Trade mark law
does not permit any body to invade or infringe in others property and
GPL is not the property of Redhat any way. Redhat cannot and will not
be able to enforce its trademarks in RHEL as Linux is GPL and not the
property of Redhat. it can put Logo and artwork in its own property and
enforce it , for that nobody is objecting .Redhat should stop mixing
trademarks policy with GPL and GNU Linux.Here's is way to defend GPL .

You can find out more by reading this posted article: Open Letter To Linux
For You India published at www.ccwuonline.com titled '' Is it illegal
to redistribute RHEL? http://ccwuonline.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=11

Thanking you in anticipation ,with regards.

M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN Unlimited Bangalore

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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