On Tuesday 30 Sep 2008, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
> Could you dare to challenge if redhat puts its logo and art work at
> your property and products and claim trademark ownership rights ? in
> the similar way would you object redhat which has put its logo and
> art work in RHEL Linux distribution and claimed the trade mark
> product ownership in RHEL when redhat is not the owner of RHEL. and
> GPL is the owner ..Could you dare to challenge the redhat.Redhat inc
> is under attack from open source community .
> I know Linux and GPL is bigger than redhat. But it's unfortunate
> that redhat is blatantly violating GPL by not permitting any body or
> every body to redistribute the RHEL !

I'd suggest you figure out the differences between trademarks and 
licences before claiming that what someone is doing is illegal.  Please 
also examine RH's claims about ownership (whether they claim to own the 
distribution or the trademarks) carefully.

As far as I know no one in his/her right mind who understands these 
issues claims that RH is in violation or either law or ethics in their 
distribution.  I'm quite willing to participate in a sane, /informed/ 
discussion on these issues in the list; OTOH if all you want to do is 
troll please include me out.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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