Thanks Brock,

Here it is

s...@yajug:~# export BE_PRINT_ERR=1
s...@yajug:~# beadm activate opensolaris-1
Unable to activate opensolaris-1.
Unknown external error.

s...@yajug:~# zfs list
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                          7.43G  59.5G  72.5K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                     2.43G  59.5G    18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris         2.40G  59.5G  2.28G  /
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1       29.5M  59.5G  2.28G  /tmp/tmpkJpn81
rpool/dump                     1.78G  59.5G  1.78G  -
rpool/export                    111M  4.89G    19K  /export
rpool/export/home               111M  4.89G    19K  /export/home
rpool/export/home/sst           111M  4.89G   111M  /export/home/sst
rpool/swap                     1.78G  61.3G    16K  -
rpool/zones                    1.33G  48.7G    20K  /zones
rpool/zones/public             1.33G  48.7G    21K  /zones/public
rpool/zones/public/ROOT        1.33G  48.7G    18K  legacy
rpool/zones/public/ROOT/zbe    1.33G  48.7G  1.29G  legacy
rpool/zones/public/ROOT/zbe-1  70.5K  48.7G  1.27G  legacy

s...@yajug:~# beadm list
BE            Active Mountpoint     Space  Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ ------- opensolaris NR / 2.53G static 2009-01-21 11:37
opensolaris-1 -      /tmp/tmpkJpn81 29.46M static 2009-01-23 22:45

s...@yajug:~# truss beadm activate opensolaris-1 2> /tmp/truss.txt

truss.txt.gzis attached

Attachment: truss.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Thanks for your help

Sébastien Stormacq
Senior Software Architect
GSS Software Practice,
Sun Microsystems Luxembourg

On 23 Jan 2009, at 23:05, Brock Pytlik wrote:

First thing to try is setting BE_PRINT_ERR=1 then running the beadm activate command again.

If that doesn't make things clear, please show us the output of beadm list and zfs list, and then perhaps trying running truss on beadm activate.

Hope that helps,

Sébastien Stormacq wrote:

I installed OpenSolaris 2008.11 on a Sun v40z machine.
Unfortunately the build I use, although being 101b was not the latest one, i.e. it was a couple of hours before GA :
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.11      snv_101b        November 2008

I tried to update to GA with image-update

r...@yajug:~# pkg list -u
NAME (AUTHORITY) VERSION STATE UFIX entire 0.5.11-0.101 installed u---

r...@yajug:~# pkg image-update
PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Update Phase                                     1/1
PHASE                                          ITEMS
Reading Existing Index                           9/9
Indexing Packages                                1/1
pkg: unable to activate opensolaris-1

r...@yajug:~# beadm activate opensolaris-1
Unable to activate opensolaris-1.
Unknown external error.

How can I further diagnose / solve this ??

I followed the same procedure with the same image on a couple of VMs and it was always OK

Thanks for your help

Sébastien Stormacq
Senior Software Architect
GSS Software Practice,
Sun Microsystems Luxembourg

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