Hi internals

On 1/17/24 21:22, Niels Dossche wrote:
> Hi internals
> I'm starting discussion of my RFC "Opt-in DOM spec-compliance".
> RFC link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/opt_in_dom_spec_compliance
> Pre-RFC pitch: https://externals.io/message/122048
> Kind regards
> Niels

I basically finished the implementation of the proposal.
The only thing remaining is adding more tests, and fixing bugs if any come up.
All WPT tests that I ported over (in a separate repo) pass as well.

I dropped the importModernNode method from the proposal. Upon trying to 
implement this, I found that it was too difficult to make it work correctly due 
to limitations in the import code implementation. In particular, in old DOM, 
namespaces must always be attached to an element. But when importing a node 
with namespaced attributes, this could sometimes lose the namespace of those 
attributes because at that point the cloned subtree is not attached to the 
document yet. While it's probably possible to fix this for most cases, there 
will always be cases where this causes issues. As such, I rather not provide 
this functionality than provide it in a half-working/half-broken state. The 
reverse direction, importLegacyNode, does not suffer from this problem because 
we have our own namespace handling code for new DOM.
TL;DR: importModernNode is gone, importLegacyNode remains.

There has also been no discussion for quite some time now.
So if nothing changes, I'd like to put it to vote on Tuesday 13-02.

Kind regards

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