Now, let's say the "base" class is called "Entity".
And let's say I have an inherited class called "Client":

Abstract Class Entity {
        function read()
        function delete()

Class Client extends Entity
        public $id;
        public $first_name;
        public $last_name;
        static public $structure = "<? structure of Client ?>";

Now, imagine you are programming the "delete" function in class Entity.
And you have to use the $structure variable.

If you mean Client's $structure, the you have to use static::$structure and it should work. However it's quite a bad design here since you have no way to ensure class inheriting from Entity would have $structure.

Since all the objects you are manipulating are "Client" objects (or other
inherited "table objects"), it would be logical to write:

It won't be since Entity has no parent, so delete() in Entity definitely can't use this keyword.

Personally, I think one should give the programmer the choice, exactly like
the programmer is given the choice between __CLASS__ (now, like it is
written steadily in the code) and get_parent_class() (at run time, like
objects are really instantiated).

__CLASS__ returns name of the class, get_parent_class() is the name of parent class, those are entirely different things, nothing to do with compiler/run time. Class always has one name and one parent or none.

I may be wrong, but I think LSB occurs every time you need to do something
in a RELATIVE way (get_parent_class(), parent::), because there is an

What do you mean by "RELATIVE"?

ambiguity upon what you consider as your reference, when you write something
like parent::$structure.

There's no any ambiguity - parent:: always means the name of the class you wrote after the keyword "extends".
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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