>__CLASS__ returns name of the class, get_parent_class() is the name of 
>parent class, those are entirely different things, nothing to do with 
>compiler/run time. Class always has one name and one parent or none.

Sorry, I meant:
They are both different things, and they can return different values. 
Like someone said it earlier, __CLASS__ is deterministic: you know its value
at compile.
get_class($this) is not : you cannot guess its value before run time.

>What do you mean by "RELATIVE"?

I mean, when you want to go upwards, to reach an ancestor class.
I think there is an ambiguity: for you, ::parent always means the parent of
But it could also mean: the parent of "get_class($this)", in the mind of a
And under certain conditions, like the one I explained, you cannot use
parent:: for that ; I must use a lot of "get_class()" and laborious
turnarounds to get what I want.


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