On 25.02.2008, at 17:20, Stefan Marr wrote:

Pierre Joye schrieb:
Limiting the RFC to existing php.net's member sound  like a bad idea
and create CVS accounts only for a RFC does not sound any better.
I would rather use the wiki for the complete process. Once a RFC
reached a "stable" status, we can add it to a RFC repository.
Would agree on this. For me at would have been a burden to get such an account upfront. Since I'm not part of the core dev team.

I will try and look if I can make dokuwiki work using a reST syntax and CVS as storage (this is possible since dokuwiki stores all content as plain text files with no additional metadata). Anyone willing to help please email me offlist as I do not think that this should clog up this mailinglist. But let me briefly detail what I would want to do (feel free to also email me offlist that I am an idiot for trying this and why you think so):

1) Authentication is done against master.php.net, but falls back to a dokuwiki db, but only if the provided username does not exist in master.php.net to prevent people from "highjacking" a CVS account name on the wiki. This authentication interface does not yet exist on master.php.net and Hannes tentatively agreed to implement it.

2) Edits on the web interface will commit to CVS. In a first step I would use a single user, eventually I might try to look into committing as a specific user if the wiki user was authenticated via master.php.net, but there are of course (solveable) security implications here (until then people with a CVS account should use that to ensure proper log history). Note that dokuwiki supports an "optimistic locking" approach, where it allows you to manually resolve a conflict (diff provided) when someone does a change in between opening the edit form and submitting. This is of course important since CVS commits can not be protected by "pessimistic locks" that dokuwiki also supports.

3) Now on the CVS side I would say we should have a new repository. I would need to implement some post commit hooks that will leverage the dokuwiki CLI interface to ensure that meta data is updated accordingly. Open question is if its even possible to have a post commit hook specifically for just one CVS repo.

In the end it should however be possible for people to edit files inside CVS without ever doing anything with the web interface. On the web interface side the only thing will be that CVS users will by pass the "pessimistic locking" (maybe we will just disable it for consistency .. I prefer optimistic locking anyways). Also we still have the ability of providing any content on the wiki along the lines of what we have with php.net/reST at the moment. On top of that we can grant people access to the wiki (or parts of the wiki) without much hesitation. As a result we could even provide the accounts for RFC's maybe even via an automated process. Commits of these people will of course be done with a standard user account, so the history on the wiki will be the only way to tell who did what. This is obviously "solveable" by given that person a CVS account quickly.


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