Hi Scott

2009/4/2 Scott MacVicar <scott...@php.net>:
> David Coallier wrote:
>> 2009/4/2 Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net>:
>>> 2009/4/2 Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net>:
>>>> Hi Justin
>>> Attached a patch instead, hopefully this will work ;)
>> I really do like this idea :) Let's just commit it.
> Hold your horses, lets not commit things hastily. I'm not a huge fan of
> adding 6 new INI settings and I think have another idea so we can avoid
> this and still offer more flexibility.

Sure 6 new INI settings sounds alot, but thinking about it theres
already 6 to control the current (bg, default, comment, html, keyword
& string) and 5 of these new ones is to control classes if theres a
class naming conflict then a user can customize. So only one setting
is needed to enable this feature.

But if you have a better way around this then I'm all ears :)

>> I would however like ot see the "naming" stucture Justin used in the
>> first example by prefixing the CSS classnames by "php". This will
>> greatly help the inclusion into other considering that "comment" and
>> "default" are widely used (not sure about the other ones) for general
>> purposes usage (see google codesearch for example).
>> Cool work, do we go by adding 6 new ini settings and making sure they
>> are prefixed by default?
>> Also I guess we'll have to attach a css file with that? Inline css at
>> the top of the generated highlighted block maybe?
> No, the user would be responsible for producing the CSS sheet that they
> want.
> Scott

Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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