> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stan Vassilev [mailto:sv_for...@fmethod.com] 
> Sent: 19 September 2009 11:33
> To: troels knak-nielsen; Ford, Mike
> Cc: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] reference caller object
> >I, for one, am quite happy that it's fairly complicated and 
> convoluted  
> >to get the caller of a method, since it could lead to some 
> seriously  
> >incomprehensible code in the hands of someone who don't know 
> what they  
> >are doing. Requiring the user to use the backtrace is a 
> clear warning  
> >sign, and I think that's a good thing.
> What is the basis for all this. When someone says a feature 
> is "ugly" and it leading to "seriously incomprehensible 
> code", I'd really like this is explained and supported by 
> evidence somehow, than just thrown around without facts.
> Most OOP languages expose the caller in some fashion. You'll 
> be hard at work to see in which of them it led to masses of 
> convoluted code.

It is considered a code smell, using instanceof in conditionals.


And should be refactored with...



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