On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> On 04/02/2013 07:52 PM, Sara Golemon wrote:
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php-array-api
> Very nice. I would love to see more of the API simplified for common
> tasks like this. It is a macro jungle currently.
> -Rasmus

Coming from a mostly user land developer but one that likes to attempt to
navigate the internals this is a massive step forward.  One of the hardest
things coming from the outside is attempting to navigate the "macro jungle"
as you call it.  lxr certainly helps a massive amount but even sometimes
understanding what those macros are supposed to be can a bit complex.

Navigating a cleaner API such as this I believe will assist in a cleaner
and much more clear implementation downstream.  These types of changes to
PHP can assist the PHP ecosystem in terms of contributors and overall
maintenance of the language.

- Mike

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