> I would like to kill other APIs in next major as well, time for
> cleanup and ease maintenance. Yes, it is a bit more work for
> extensions developers but as you plan to do pecl releases as well for
> these inlined functions, that should be a good thing in the long run.
I'm not sure how you plan to kill the other APIs since these wrappers
depend on them.  Also, the engine uses them heavily for... everything.

> What do you think about having the same for hashes? Many
> implementations do not work with zval but with hash tables as well,
> that would be a perfect combination :)
One of the implementation details which this API hides is the fact
that zend_hash_find() returns a zval** which is usually just an
annoyance to an extension developer, but can be taken advantage of for
rewriting array contents (lookup a value and replace in via *ppzval =
pzval; )

Not to mention the quick_* variants which CVs and the default class
handlers make heavy use of, but are overkill for the average one-off
access from an ext function.


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