On 04/04/2013 04:09 AM, Sara Golemon wrote:
A logical extension of this idea would be to drop _array_ and cover
objects too, one uniform everything API is very appealing, and way
easier to document properly.


I'd be happy to complete/test it if we think it's a worthy direction to go
in ... a unified api does look delicious, it's a bit more complex than
arrays but then in extensions you want/need to deal with objects as much as,
if note more than, you do arrays ...

While I'm in favor of an API which covers both Arrays and Object
properties, I don't want to go too far in the direction of generically
named APIs.  php_exists() is, I think, too far.  I'm not sure what's
the right middle-ground of being both descriptive and concise, but I'm
sure we can sort that out.


Yeah maybe a bit far, php_exists doesn't really have any context ...

I'm all in favour of php_object_exists php_array_exists both having the exact same prototypes and sharing documentation, it just seems a waste to write _object_/_array_ at all ...

Any other ideas, or just go with _object_/_array_ ?


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