On 2014-07-21, Michael Wallner <m...@php.net> wrote:
> --001a11345984e013cd04feb0d9a1
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> On 21 Jul 2014 10:21, "Julien Pauli" <jpa...@php.net> wrote:
> PHP-Next.
> I don't think that a cleanup is nearly as important as php-ng is as we
> stand currently.
> The will be no mercy from the competition.
> We can start reworking the API when it hit master.
> --001a11345984e013cd04feb0d9a1--

I want to remind that the last attempt of PHP 6 died because it was mostly
unmaintained as "master" for a long time and we continued to postpone
it. We should try to not again make a "big move" but take "babysteps"
and focus on phpng and 64bit as the major features and not maintain a
branch while we are doing 5.7. This will undoubtful lead to a similar
"abundance" of the master branch as we just don't have the ressources
to maintain more branches (a point already made when we discussed the
release plan).

I think we should consider steps to make phpng the major development
branch within the year and if stabelizing it within the year possible,
make it the next release.

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