On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 3:24 AM, Joe Watkins <pthre...@pthreads.org> wrote:

> I'd like to everyone to stay grounded in reality and say that we have
> been checking code into php-src for months, very very few people have
> expressed an interest in what we were actually doing, you aren't one of
> them Stas.

As much as I do not like the way this topic was brought to the list. A
point has been raised.

The chnages done in the latest patches, like the XML based protocol,
are not small changes and will affect us, our users and external tools
for a long time.I understand that discussing things too much prior to
apply it takes time, energy and sometimes could kill the motivation,
but this is how we reach consensus.

I do not think it is too late to have this discussion, maybe part of
the php specification too.I am a big fan of phpstorm, but it is by far
not the only tool around. The discussions here, if we filter out the
classic bashing and not so well formulated critics, try to figure out
if the choices are actually the best ofr php, now and for the next

So. Yes, I also have to ask, humbly, both of you to also stay grounded
and accept to participate in a constructive discussion. Maybe push up
a RFC, documenting the current XML protocol, see the pros/cons, etc.
Other can also join this effort. I am sure we can find answers to all
these questions soon, if we leave the sentimental parts of this
discussions out of this, focusing on the actual technical and design


@pierrejoye | http://www.libgd.org

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