> On 11 Nov 2014, at 13:20, Robert Stoll <p...@tutteli.ch> wrote:
>> I would say that the lack of anyone saying "no, don't do this" probably 
>> means everyone is OK with it. Suggest you work up a
>> patch and PR it, then ping the list to highlight it for further discussion.
> Sounds reasonable but unfortunately I do not have time at the moment to work 
> up a patch and when I have time (in half a year or so) it might be too late 
> for PHP 7 and the change would need to wait for PHP 8 since it is not 
> backward compatible. That is the reason why I hope we could agree on the 
> topic, remove the corresponding sentence from the spec and I could patch up a 
> fix when I have time for it.

I don’t like the sound of changing the spec before the implementation.
Andrea Faulds

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