Robert Stoll wrote on 12/11/2014 21:27:

That's still perfectly fine because in your code the use statement is not 
outside of a namespace, it is implicitly in the default namespace.

Surely if that's true of Adam's example, it's true of yours as well?

namespace a{

use some\UseDeclaration\which\is\outside\of\AnyNamespace as Useless;  // sorry 
for begin biased ^^

namespace test{

This scenario looks identical to Adam's to me, unless you propose to look at the entirety of the file to detect if there is something other than a use statement in the default namespace.

For that matter, what about this:

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$client = new Client;
// $client is a GuzzleHttp\Client object

namespace Foo;
$client = new Client;
// $client is a Foo\Client object

Certainly this code is not *sensible*, but it does have a meaningful behaviour, which derives directly from the previous examples and documented uses of the namespace keyword. I'm not sure how you'd distinguish between the various combinations here.

Rowan Collins

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