On Wed, 2014-11-12 at 22:27 +0100, Robert Stoll wrote:

> That's still perfectly fine because in your code the use statement is not 
> outside of a namespace, it is implicitly in the default namespace.
> I am talking about the two following scenarios:
> use \Exception;
> namespace test;
> $e = new Exception(); //would fails because test\Exception is unknown -> use 
> was defined outside the namespace
> Or
> namespace a{
> }
> use some\UseDeclaration\which\is\outside\of\AnyNamespace as Useless;  // 
> sorry for begin biased ^^
> namespace test{
> }

If I get it rigth this might break code by people who, for whatever
reason, combine multiple PHP files into a single one. (cat *.php >
full.php && php full.php)


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