Hey Stas,

> On 16 Dec 2014, at 09:25, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There has been some debate about whether to make “PHP 5.7". I have
>> made a very simple RFC. It proposes a final minor version of PHP 5,
>> PHP 5.7, to be released at the same time as PHP 7, with no new
>> features whatsoever.
>> The hope is that we can put this to a vote in 2 weeks’ time and
>> settle the matter, just as we did with the PHP 6/7 name vote,
>> although perhaps slightly less messily this time. ;)
> It'd be nice to describe what we have now for 5.7 - i.e. which
> deprecation messages and other warnings are on the agenda? Doesn't have
> to be the exclusive list but at least to give the idea what we're
> talking about.

At the moment, there’s Levi’s RFC to disallow multiple defaults in switch 
statements, which adds an E_DEPRECATED notice in 5.7.

I don’t think there’s anything else. It might be worth adding some sort of 
warning for Nikita’s Remove alternative PHP tags RFC. Perhaps also for the 
Integer Semantics RFC, warning that shifts by negative numbers of bits will be 
disallowed in PHP 7, or for the Fix list() behaviour inconsistency RFC since 
strings won’t work in list() now.

Andrea Faulds

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