On 16/12/2014 12:03, Andrea Faulds wrote:
I wrote the Closure::call() and intdiv() RFCs. Truth be told, they
both targeted master, not a specific PHP version. master has become
PHP 7, so whatever the wording of them said, they really target PHP 7
now. They were written back before the whole PHP 7/phpng thing when I
didn’t know whether we were going to go straight to PHP 7 or whether
there’d be another minor and then PHP 7 a year or two after. Now
we’re going straight to PHP 7 - the 5.7 proposed wouldn’t be an
exception to that, as 5.7 would have no new features and be released
around the same time. It’s not, well, the 5.7 I had in mind when I
wrote those RFCs.

This is what I meant when I previously mentioned seeing RFCs targeting 5.7. I understand what you say and I do wholeheartedly agree with you.

However if one would have to strictly follow what has been voted, such features should be backported to whatever becomes 5.7, if any. Perhaps the 5.7 RFC could explicitly states what is (not) going to happen wrt those RFCs.

I don’t really know about the session handling and GC ones

Likewise. And there might be more that I haven't looked up.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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