On 22/11/2010 03:09, Nerius Landys wrote:
> Hi guys.  I'm taking initiative into fixing ioquake3 on FreeBSD since
> it seems to be broken in some respects.
> Actually, for now I'm only interested in fixing ioq3ded, not so much
> the ioquake3 client (I don't even know how badly the client is broken,
> if at all).

I didn't even know anything was broken.

> Anyhow, I've been running some flavor of ioq3ded on FreeBSD for 3
> years now.  I am attaching a patch which fixes vm_x86.c on FreeBSD PAE
> kernels.

Isn't PAE abandoned? Or at least as good as?

> One thing that I'm still working on doing is testing the compile of a
> 32 bit ioq3ded on a 64 bit FreeBSD system (make ARCH=i386).  Right now
> that build is broken because it can't find the correct 32 bit
> libraries or something (even though they are on my system in the
> "normal" location on FreeBSD).  I'm working on fixing this
> cross-compile bug next.

You just need to add the correct library paths. The compiling works
right up to the linking stage. It's rather unusual that someone
actually has these libraries around. Most people use 32bit Jails, which
work very well.

> Attached is the patch for FreeBSD PAE kernels.  The fix consists of
> adding about 10 characters of text to a line of code.  However, I have
> included a very long-winded comment explaining why I think this is a
> safe fix for the problem.  I copied that comment below:

The thing looks fine to me. If it gets committed here I'll backport it
to the 1.36 release, too.


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