Dominic, you seem to be a tad out of the loop as far as Urban Terror
4.1 binaries go.  This is understandable if you're not a hardcore UrT
fan like me.  :-)

People on Linux now are using mitsubishi's "ioq3-urt" client (the
"plain vanilla" version mostly, _not_ "bumpy").  The source code for
this is distributed as one big patch file that you apply to ioquake3
trunk (revision 1803 currently).

I have not used this client on FreeBSD, however.  You may need to
adjust the sound stuff, like for example change some of the defaults
to turn specific sound features off for FreeBSD.

Now I _am_ running server binaries on FreeBSD and in fact I pretty
much maintain the UrT server code (I like to think of myself that way,
and in fact quite a few UrT servers use my code).  For server admins
it's important to apply some hacky patches to ioquake3 so that
exploits would not be triggered.  There are 2 versions of the server
code that I'm maintaining currently: ioUrTded (older, tried and
proven, based on original source released with 4.1) and ioq3ded-UrT
(newer, not tested for an extended period of time, based on ioquake3
1.36).  I'm now moving all of my servers over to use ioq3ded-UrT (my
servers are running FreeBSD of course  :-)  ).

More info about ioUrTded is here:
More info about ioq3ded-UrT is here:

The 64 bit binaries for the server will run on FreeBSD, but they will
consume twice as much CPU as the 32 bit binaries running on a 64 bit
OS.  Don't ask me why, but it's true (and the same applies to Linux
from my tests).  When I hypothesized my theories on the IRC channel as
to why this might be happening, I nearly got castrated.  :-P

One last thing.  That Frozen Sand announced closing the source - that
will only apply far into the future, probably.  Don't expect them to
release the next version of closed-source UrT anytime soon.  Even when
they do release the new closed-source version, the old 4.1 may still
remain popular for some months.  So I wouldn't drop any kind of
support for UrT 4.1 in the near future.

By the way, I compile all of my FreeBSD server binaries by hand, not
using ports.
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