- What if my app uses a lot of local data, let's say 10 or 10s of Mb. Any
suggestions of a database to use so that my app won't be slowed down?

- Everyone is used to pushing a button in order to download and install an
app. How do I make an hml5 app downloadable that way?

- How reliable are the scramble programs on the market? - My app conists of
around 250Kb JavaScript. Even though I myself get lost at times in the
code, I would like to scramble both the code and the data.

- Let's say I have this function:

function init_ldb(fName) {
if (fName=="job") theLdbData = localStorage.jobs
else if (storageName=="cust") theLdbData = localStorage.customers
  else if (storageName=="prod") theLdbData = localStorage.products

   else ....

// ...

Is there any way of simplying this kind of like this:

function init_ldb(fName) {
theLdbData = localStorage.fName
// ...

​Appreciating any help.​

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