
I looked this stuff up, and it seems that VMGL (formerly known as XenGL)
is the project closest to what I would like to see.

VMGL (Virtual Machine GL) can use the host machine's 3D accelerating hardware
to provide OpenGL acceleration for virtual machines running in XEN, Vmware, etc.
(Pretty cool stuff.)

I might run my whole HTPC stuff in a XEN para-virtualized VM,
and assign all the relevant PCI devices to it,
run X inside it, and add 3D acceleration with XenGL.

How does that sound?


-----Eredeti üzenet-----
Feladó: [EMAIL PROTECTED] meghatalmazó: Csillag Kristof
Küldve: 2007.03.22., Cs 20:36
Címzett: Discussion list for development of the IVTV driver
Tárgy: RE: [ivtv-devel] Displaying (other) HW-rendered data in the ivtv Xserver?
Neither I am an expert in graphics hardware, but my understanding is this:

Newer graphics card can do something called off-screen rendering, which means
that the card create the graphics, and the puts it back to the system main 
there applications can use it however they like.

(I did a quick google search on the term, and it gave back this:

If I am not mistaken, for examples compositing window managers use this feature.

For example, my mainboard has integrated graphics hardware (intel g965), which
uses a part of the system memory as video memory. So if off-screen rendering is 
the rendered image should just end up in the memory. So, the data is surely 
to the CPU, it just has to be transferred to the video memory if the other card.

(At least, this is what I would like to believe.)


-----Eredeti üzenet-----
Feladó: [EMAIL PROTECTED] meghatalmazó: Z F
Küldve: 2007.03.22., Cs 17:52
Címzett: Discussion list for development of the IVTV driver
Tárgy: Re: [ivtv-devel] Displaying (other) HW-rendered data in the ivtv Xserver?

--- Csillag Kristof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there!
> Hi!
> I have a weird idea, and I am not familiar enough with graphics
> hardware to decide
> whether it's possible or not. So, the question is the following:
> Is it possible to use one graphics chip-set to generate image
> (ie. to render OpenGl, etc), and an other chip-set to output
> the image to a physical output device?

I am not an expert on graphics hardware, but my understanding
is the following.

In principle yes. In practice no.

The situation is the following. When a video card (GPU) makes
calculations, its output has to be delivered to another device.
Unfortunately, old video cards have no output at all, other than
the monitor connector. New cards can output data via PCI/AGP bus
back to the main CPU, but the speed is so slow that is mostly
useless for these types of applications.

Why did I say "yes" in principle. Old video cards have a "feature"
connector where data prepeared to be displayed can be pushed into the
card much faster than PCI bus allows. For AGP cards, this is simply
via AGP bus. So, for these old PCI video cards which could not 
do calculations special hardware was needed (basically a co-processor).
And such hardware existed in the form of hardware DVD decoders (for
example). If one has such special hardware, it is possible to push
precomputed images into the video card. I do not know if such hardware
is commercially available and what the price of it would be.

Anyway, my understanding that there is no way to get the results of
GPU calculations (from a consumer video card) back to the main CPU fast
enough to be interesting for such application.


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